After the Storm

2014-10-26 11.12.42

2014-10-26 11.36.19

2014-10-26 11.36.22

2014-10-26 15.05.37

It was low tide when we visited the lagoon today. We just had a nice rain to help fill up the river when the sky cleared and the wind picked up. There were some nice white caps on the breakers today. The air is just so damn clean! Good to be alive.

And DeAnn and I got lucky. We found a bunch of agates today among the rock on the shore. She finds the biggest ones and I find the rest. She’s got quite the eye for agates.

Jewels from the sea

The north coast is an amazing place where natural beauty abounds. Case in point, DeAnn and I traveled to Dry Lagoon State Park and walked out onto the beach. Its a stoney beach unlike the sandy ones on the east coast. If you look closely in the nooks and crannies among the boulders on the shore you might find some tiny treasures.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI found some jaspers and agates and many more I can’t identify yet. A little polish in the rock tumbler and 5 days later they glow. One of my favorite pastimes is walking that beach and looking for these jewels from the sea.

The 4 Mile Bridge

So, the rumors were true. There is a 4 mile bridge on the trail and getting there was the hardest hike of my adult life. Mile 3 to mile 4 was all uphill. I once walked up one of the steepest graded roads in all of Pennsylvania, Eichele Road in Montgomery county is really steep. It’s something like a 26 percent grade for a quarter mile. Cars have trouble with that hill. Mile 3 to mile 4 on the Headwaters trail was much, much steeper and it was a full mile up.

When I arrived at the bridge, I took these pictures:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Right before me in this picture is the ravine that the 4 mile bridge crosses. It’s just around the corner to the right.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYes! Made it! The 4 mile marker was easy to miss sitting inside an old burned out redwood trunk. Hey dad, does the walking stick look familar? Its the one you made and gave me many years ago. It’s still going strong.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA little underwhelming, right?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAVery underwhelming. I laughed out loud at the site of it. But the view from the bridge, down the ravine was epic.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd here is the view up the ravine:


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd there is the trail, heading into the woods, and still going UP! It’s 11 miles to the end and then 11 miles back out. Definitely going to be a challenge but I will go to the end someday and document the trip here.

Going to have to train for that hike.